10 minutes |
30 minutes |
Makes 4 Servings |
10 minutes |
30 minutes |
Makes 4 Servings |
Risotto seems to be one of those dishes that folks order in restaurants because they think it is too hard to make at home. Not so! AND, we will show you how to make one that is low FODMAP. Our low FODMAP risotto recipe features Fody Vegetable or Chicken Soup Base and Fody Garlic-Infused Olive Oil – and plump shrimp. The shrimp should be peeled and cleaned, but you can leave the tail on, if you like.
Bring water and Fody Low FODMAP Soup Base to a boil in a pot, whisk to dissolve. Remove from heat, whisk in wine and set aside keeping warm.
Heat Fody Low FODMAP Garlic-Infused Olive Oil in a skillet over low-medium heat. Add shrimp and sauté until just cooked. Do not overcook, and you can even under cook a tad, as they will be exposed to heat later in recipe. Scrape out of skillet and set aside.
Using same skillet, melt butter over low-medium heat and sauté scallion greens until softened, then stir in rice, coating the rice well. Cook rice for a minute or two, stirring frequently, then add about 1 cup (240 ml) of the soup broth adjusting heat so the rice is at a very low simmer. Simmer until liquid is absorbed. Continue adding liquid a little at a time, stirring often, and keeping the risotto at a low simmer. Don’t walk away! Keep adding liquid and stirring in more liquid as it is absorbed. Total cooking time will be about 20 to 25 minutes. You are looking for a slightly crisp cooked texture for the rice and still have a fluid texture to the risotto. You might not need all the liquid – but I usually do add it all. Use the visual and textural cues to guide you.
Once the rice is cooked, stir in the shrimp to warm them up briefly. Taste and adjust seasoning, garnish with parsley and serve your low FODMAP meal immediately.
Dédé Wilson is the author of 17 cookbooks, including co-author of The Low FODMAP Diet: Step By Step.
Recipe brought to you by FODMAP Everyday® where we help you thrive while following the Low FODMAP Diet.
This original Low FODMAP recipe was created by recipe developer and author Dédé Wilson. You can find many more original Low FODMAP recipes, food and diet guidance as well as resources, support and more at FODMAP Everyday®.
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